Merry Xmas!
I don't really know how long it takes me to think what does tunnel mean to me. I even thought what it was better to write or what it was easier to talked about, if tunnels as a objects or may be like in the book, 'the tunnel' that each person has a tunnel where for a moment you have glass and you can see another tunnel from another person, and then you have a wall that keep you away from everything. But I ended up thinking that it would be better for me to write about something that its obvious connected with tunnels and it was the first thing it crossed my mind when I finished the book I’ve already mention.
I’ve always thought that each person has a room, that since you born you get one, like a tunnel. You can change it, has it redecorated. It’s yours, you would decide who can go in and how. It’s your life, and it’s up to you to decide how the room (or tunnel) is going to be.
With tunnels it’s the same, you’ve started building a tunnel since you born, it’s your little own world, where you have the last word. And no one could talked or made an opinion about your little world, your room or tunnel because it doesn’t exist just one way to do it, it doesn’t exist just one truth. And if it exist, I’m sure that the human being it’s not going to know it.
Anyway, we can called it tunnel, or room, but at the end it’s always the same: our mind, the brain. That place would be the only one that no one can take you from. No one can judge you. You are the only one who can decide which opinion would be important or not, and which one it’s going to make a change in that tunnel, in that room. And at the same time this makes us responsibles of everything we do... may be it’s hard to accept it but like I’ve already said, we have the last word, the last decision, and that make us free and at the same time responsible.
veremos como resulta.
Debido a que el 8/12 se cumple otro aniversario de la muerte de John Lennon
Vade Retro propone hacer una reunion en la Plaza de Mayo para recordarlo cantando sus temas.
Mas info: duovaderetro@hotmail.com
Entren a: holdonrevolution.blogspot.com
Proximamente habrá mas info sobre el evento.